Are certain You Are Going To Be Enthusiastic About Our Most recent Wall mount cabinet vanity sink, vessel sink, and faucet set (AMA095)
Though there are many products very like our most modern Wall mount cabinet vanity sink, vessel sink, and faucet set (AMA095) currently available on the market, we recognized that none have ever had the functions we have included in ours. The plan driving our most up-to-date item is that rather than offering you one more simple product that never does quite what it's advertised as carrying out, we wanted to provide you with an item that moved far past this.
The concept driving every new product just isn't just to make a different version of the ones that are currently available, nobody wants this and you'll find many companies presently doing this. At manufacturer we started literally reinvent the Wall mount cabinet vanity sink, vessel sink, and faucet set (AMA095). Our engineers returned to the drawing board and started from the beginning. We researched what our initial item had and attempted to create it more desirable.
By listening to what our buyers had to suggest as to what they preferred as well as did not like about the other Wall mount cabinet vanity sink, vessel sink, and faucet set (AMA095) available on the market, we worked hard to integrate all of the characteristics that you have been looking for in our most recent item. With these extra features and some additional nice minimal touches that we included we Are certain that you are likely to be completely delighted with this our most recent offering. To make the bargain better yet we're delivering it to you at a tremendous lower initial value that gives you real value for your money.
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Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
For a spacious look in a small space, this stylish wall mount vanity sink set with storage is perfect. The cabinet is ofsolid birch finished in rich espresso -so dark brown to be almost black. The 2 towel bar mounted in there convenientlocations is brass constructed with a chrome finish. The counter top is of tempered glass 5/8" thick. Vanity set includesclear vessel sink, and standard cylinder faucet in a chrome finish. Buy as a set and get this deal for the retail price of thevessel sink alone.Tempered glass counter top * Color: Clear * Dimensions: 31-1/2" w x 19-3/4" D * Thickness: 5/8"Clear glass vessel sink * Color: Clear * Dimensions: 16-1/2"W x 6" H * Thickness: 1/2"Pedestal * Material: Birch * Finish: Espresso * Solid wood cabinet with door. Width: 17" , Height: 13-1/2", Depth: 17"Faucet * Material: Fully brass constructed * Disc: Ceramic disc * Configuration: One-hole * Finish: Polished chrome
- Clear round vessel, vanity cabinet, faucet, push umbrella pop-up drain, P trap,
- towel bar, installation instructions, and all necessary parts and hardware for
- assembly.
- All parts are covered by one year limited manufacturer warranty.
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